Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Most Perfect Smack-Down of Same-Sex Marriage Opponents Ever

Perfect. Just fucking perfect.

Finally a Way I can Read Rick Warren's Book

Angie the Anti Theist, who you might remember from #livetweetingabortion, presents Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life for us non-believers (as in, those of us who don't believe that Eve actually talked to a snake without the help of drugs, those of who don't believe humans roamed the earth with dinosaurs, those of us who don't believe in a book that has been re-written and re-written, over and over again to appease the times, all the while claiming to be infallible to the word, you know, those of us who prefer logic to cult-mentality).

You can find the entire series here. Totally worth taking some time to watch.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

So... Ronald Reagan dedicated the Space Shuttle Columbia to the Taliban

YouTube - Ronald Reagan dedicated the Space Shuttle Columbia to the Taliban: ""

Wow, what a fucking terrorist sympathizer!

NBC.com - Pastor Terry Jones arrested for child pornography

Joke, meet pencil, please write yourself today.

NBC.com - Pastor Terry Jones arrested for child pornography

Pastor Terry Jones is better known as the bigot who is organizing people to burn the Qur'an on 9/11. So let's recap: the child molesting pastor thinks Islam is a threat. Hopefully, this is a wake up call to the members of that Church.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

"These Go Up To 11"

Well, I left out an app from my top 10 list that should be in the top two or three. So, in true Spinal Tap spirit, this shit is getting bumped up to eleven!

We'll call this our new #3: Dolphin Browser
This is a fantastic browser. It includes an easy feature to share a web page on twitter and facebook. But the greatest feature is the tabs. Just like any browser on your computer, you can open multiple tabs and switching between them couldn't be easier. The bookmarking feature is alright, but accessing it isn't the simplest path in the world.

Wikipedia Scrubbing Fox News Controversy of Factual Information

Daily Kos: UPDATED: Fox News Scrubbing Wikipedia Entry on $1 Mil. Donation

What is remarkable about this story, is that Fox News is managing to scrub something from Wikipedia that is so factually accurate. What reason do they propose for not including the fact that News Corporation donated $1 million to the Republican Governor's association? It is not as if anyone is contesting the accuracy of the statement. Nor could anyone contest the notion that the donation is a source of controversy. Wikipedia needs to fix this.
On the Fox News main page, someone put this inocuous little statement, heavily referenced, under the controversy section:

In June 2010, News Corporation donated $1 million to the Republican Governors Association

Oh HELLS no! Two FNC scrubbers were on the case and according to the history page had that puppy removed.

My Top 10 Droid Apps

Yes, my first piece here will be on technology. That is not something I get to write about typically, but it is one my favorite topics. So, here it goes...

The Droid brought something to Verizon users that had been the territory of the iPhone for so long: a world of apps. As a long time BlackBerry user, I cannot explain how happy it made me when I browsed the marketplace on my new Droid. Now that I have had the phone for a while, here is the list of the top 10 apps that I have found. Oh, and I am totally not going to do like some others and include apps like google maps. Shit that comes with your phone totally does not count. And I will try to keep it to apps you might not have heard of.

#10: CauseWorld
This app is pretty cool if you are into the whole donating-and-making-the-world-a-better-place thing. The best part, you don't have to spend a dime. CauseWorld has some big corporate donors to back it all up. You just check-in, virtually, to any stores within .4 miles of you. It gives you points, you pick which of the listed non-profits gets the points, which add up to real money. Occasionally, a store like Starbucks will offer double points. That makes for a fun game on the highway, when you see a Starbucks sign, everyone rush to CauseWorld to check-in!

#9: News and Weather
You have to download the one named exactly that, "News and Weather". The app doesn't matter as much as the widget for your desktop. It let's you see the temp and a recent headline. What is better, is that if you click on the temperature, it pops open with a lot more info. I check temperature/chance of precipitation by hour every morning. Seems to be pretty accurate.

#8: Voice Recorder
A simple app to keep voice memos. Comes with a nice record button widget for your desktop so that making a recording is as simple as possible. I like simple apps.

#7: btunes
This is a music player that, as far as I know, replicates the iphone music player layout. I happen to like the feel of it better than my other music player, it makes more sense. It also pops up a little control box before the unlock slide bar when the phone is locked but the screen is on.

#6: NPR News
Great app! Let's you access any of the NPR radio stations. I used this to check in on Kojo Nnamdiv while on the road. This is also helpful for finding the local NPR radio station.

#5: My Tacks
This app lets you track yourself through GPS and view the results on a google map. It tells you things like, average speed, average moving speed, fastest/slowest speed, how far you traveled, altitude change, highest/lowest altitutde... etc. I tested this out while mountain biking the Arizona Trail during my visit to the Grand Canyon in April. Anyone who rides trails will appreciate this app.

#4: doubletwist
Let's you sync with iTunes. Makes loading your phone with music as easy as building a playlist.

#3: Playlist Builder
This app is amazing. I never built playlists on my phone before this. This let's you create a search of all the music on your phone. The search feature is incredibly easy an functional. You can search artist, song, album... etc. Your search can include the words you entered, or exclude, or match exactly. After you build a search, you preview it, and if it looks good, click build.

#2: PdaNet
This app, which has to be downloaded on both the phone and computer, let's the user tether the droid to a computer. The Droid becomes a portable modem for your computer. This app is crucial for me. I used it plenty on my two cross-country road trips this spring and summer. No matter how good the internet on the phone is, some things still need to be done through a computer. This feature saved me plenty of money on internet fees at Motel 6's.

#1: SMS Popup
This application lets the user set SMS/MMS messages to popup in a box on the middle of the screen. It means that when you get an SMS/MMS, it will be the first thing you see when you look at your phone, and you will see the full message. I ranked this as number one for two reasons: 1) I use it a lot. I send plenty of text messages, and I can't stand having to navigate to the message before I can read it. 2) It is so simple and obvious. This feature should have been included with the phone in the first place.